What is Aortic Stenosis? Very simply,aortic stenosis is a build-up of calcium deposits on the valve,which causes it to narrow and reduce blood flow to the rest of your body.…
April 2017
What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a fatty substance produced by the liver that assists in bodily functions such as building cell membranes, nerves, and brain. It is a part of…
Hypertensive emergencies (formerly called malignant hypertension) encompass a gamut of clinical presentations in which uncontrolled blood pressures (BPs) lead to progressive or impending end-organ dysfunction. In these conditions,the BP should…
The first angioplasty was done 40 years ago. It is a procedure used to open narrow or blocked coronary (heart) arteries. The procedure restores blood flow to the heart muscle.During…
Few months ago,a 29-year-old man presented to our Emergency Department with chest pain,sweating and choking sensation. Around 5:00 am an ECG was performed which suggested acute heart attack. Patient was…
A Heart Attack is a Matter of LIFE & DEATH!SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. Chest pain is a common symptom of heart attack (Coronary Artery Disease) .If any adult person has…
Heart attack is a very serious problem and the quicker the treatment, better the chance of survival. The main reason for a heart attack is complete blockage of one of…