Voice disorders can affect everybody who speaks, more so in voice professionals like teachers, lawyers, singers, actors, radio jockeys, news anchors, and marketing personnel.However,it is also common in children and the elderly people who face problems in speech or patient whose voice is affected due to any pathology or in the course of treatment as in cancers.

Voice Disorders:
Voice disorders could be broadly divided into improper usage/habitual or pathological conditions. They are most of the times complimentary to each other.
Technology Used:
Diagnosis is made by examination and special endoscopic techniques like videostroboscopy and voice analysis software. They are useful, later in the course of treatment,to monitor the progress of the therapy or benefit from the surgery.
Habitual voice abuse is managed by conservative means anti-reflux measures,vocal hygiene and voice therapy. Pathological conditions like cyst, nodules, polyps, tumours, neoplasms, etc., require surgical intervention by microlarygoscopic technique. Apart from injection techniques,this also includes laser assisted procedures,and rarely, open surgical procedures like thyroplasty or arytenoids adduction.
Improved quality of voice, identification and early management of benign lesions,and voice modulation.
Our Team:
Dr. Sanjiv Badhwar – Consultant – ENT, Tel.: +91-22-30970240; sanjiv.badhwar@relianceada.com
Dr. Mohit Agarwal – Consultant – ENT, Tel.: +91-22-30970241; mohit.aggarwal@relianceada.com
Dr. Anirban Dasgupta – Voice Coach – Tel.: +91-22-30937294/30937172; anirban.dasgupta@relianceada.com