According to World Health Organization (WHO), deaths from cancer worldwide are projected to continue rising, with an estimated 12 million deaths in 2030. Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting urban Indian women. The last three decades have seen the numbers of breast cancer patients grow steadily. It is estimated that by 2015-2020, India will be among the world leaders in new breast cancer cases detected every year.
However, with the latest technological advancements in the medical sector, today there are higher chances of getting diagnosed early leading to better management of the disease. A CBCU is well-equipped and has highly qualified specialists who guide a patient towards right treatment plan for any breast related disease.

The Importance of Screening
There is strong scientific evidence to suggest that annual screening mammography starting at the age of 40 years (or 10 years before the age at which a woman’s first-degree relative developed breast cancer) reduces the chance of dying due to breast cancer significantly. In younger patients, a sonomammography is also done as it can provide valuable information that might be missed on a mammogram performed in isolation. Annual MRI screening is recommended in women with hereditary breast cancer, i.e., those women who are BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 positive. The BRCA status needs to be ascertained by performing a genetic profiling in women with more than one first degree relative with breast and/or ovarian cancer.
Treatment Offered
Depending on the pathology, the doctor plans the treatment/s that will bring better results. Some of the treatment methods are as mentioned below:
- Surgeries for breast cancer include Breast Conservation Surgery or Modified Radical Mastectomy with or without whole breast reconstruction
- Oncoplastic Breast Conservation Surgery for Breast Cancer combines the principles of plastic surgery and cancer surgery to facilitate cosmetic surgery in patients with breast cancer and allows reduction or augmentation surgery in the same sitting
- Partial and Whole Breast Reconstruction with or without silicone implants, followed by reconstruction of nipple and areola
- Placement of indwelling chemotherapy ports for administration of adjuvant chemotherapy and management of patients with chemo ports
- Delivery of adjuvant chemotherapy and targeted therapy by a medical oncologist specialised in breast cancer chemotherapy
- Specialised Radiation Therapy (whole breast or chest wall radiotherapy) delivered by experts in the field, using the latest technology. Radiation therapy also includes palliative radiotherapy in metastatic breast cancer for bone and brain metastases
- Detailed instructions on exercise and diet by the respective experts after completion of therapy and follow-up advice
- Diagnosis, counselling and medical/surgical treatment of benign breast conditions such as cyclical mastalgia (breast pain), breast cysts, fibrocystic disease (ANDI)
- Diagnosis and treatment of significant nipple discharge
- Management of breast abscess by conservative treatment (if <3cm) or surgical drainage (if >3 cm)
- Genetic Counselling in patients with a family history of breast cancer or hereditary breast cancer
Kokilaben Hospital CBCU is a dedicated service that has been created to specifically diagnose and treat entire spectrum of conditions affecting mammary gland. The breast unit has been designed on the guidelines laid down by the European Union Society of Mastology (EUSOMA) and follows the model of Evidence-Based Medicine so that all the patients receive the highest level of care in surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.